
Friday, April 24, 2009

What will this tool enhance?

The Bolt Projector Cell Phone could enhance many different aspects of the ways we live. Media gadgets are becoming more compact and easier making the world an “easier” place to live in. The projector cell phone can make work life easier for many businessmen because their presentation can be in the palm of their hands. Many new phones have airplane modes so they do not need to be turned off, so someone could use the projector on an airplane if needed. Showing friends pictures from a vacation is a lot easier and more efficient because they do not need to be printed out or looked at on a laptop/computer. The Bolt also has features that many other phones have like text messaging, all normal functions of any phone (SMS, MMS, etc), MP3 and MP4 player; a touch screen, Bluetooth (hands free headsets), voice recording, video and picture storage, camera (night mode), Microsoft excel, power point and word, and much more.

What will this tool obsolesce?

This new gadget can make normal-sized, pocket projectors, laptops and computers obsolete. If everyone has a projector cell phone there will be no need for projectors. For example a teacher could write an assignment on their cell phone, project it in the classroom then send it out to the students or send it to be printed. Like other phones it can also stop the use of computers, laptops and storage devices because everything can be stored on the projector cell phone. When bought, the cell phone already includes a 1GB card in its micro SD card slot.
Since we will have so much information at the palm of our hands (also with access to the internet), as humans, we will not need to store as much information to memory. We become so dependent on technology that we loose ourselves. With normal cell phones teenagers have come up with slang words that make it easier and quicker to type e-mails, SMS, MMS, etc. Since it is a normal cell phone pad, people will get lazy and start typing with slang words such as: LOL, U, R, UR, TTYL, BTW, NTS (not to sure), ATM (at the moment), and many more. Like what’s already starting to happen, we could loose communication with people by not speaking to them or calling them but by sending e-mails and texts.

What will this tool retrieve from all the things we have lost?

The Bolt Projector Cell Phone can retrieve time. Everyone gets so busy with everything they get caught up. By not having to go on computers, or get projectors, everything we do can be done faster. There are also less technical problems that can happen. Computers can crash, projectors can brake but cell phones usually don’t have as many problems because they are not built the same. Cell phones are built for tough jobs, to be tossed around in bags/brief cases, some cell phones are even tough enough to be dropped and still work fine. Many people in the world can agree that we need more time, 24 hours a day is never enough time to do everything we want to do. The Bolt can also retrieve old cinema. People aren’t able to sit and watch a video clip or slideshow because we need a laptop/computer/TV and projector, but with the Bolt, people can sit around like they did in old cinema. Around 1895 was when people were first able to look at projected slideshows and pictures through a mobile camera, this can now be brought back in a less technical way.

How will your tool reverse from you when it is pushed to its outer limit?

If the Bolt becomes normal to everyone in everyday life, people may start shutting it out because it will become too regular and normal. But on the other hand, if they become so popular, society may start shutting people out and rely their whole life on the Bolt. Original ways of viewing information begin to disappear. For example, a real estate agent can give future buyers a full visual video and picture tour by projecting it. On laptops and computers, we can access visual tours of houses but they are not portable. Since we can find Internet access anywhere with cell phones, people can view properties from other locations in there own home and/or anywhere. Buyers will only see their new home digitally, so they may move into a home that does not appeal to them. Real estate agents will loose being able to show future buyers around a house, and their work will rely on their phone.